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Office 365 Workflow Activities Extensions is a no-code set of custom SharePoint workflow activities for creating custom SharePoint Online Workflows. more ›› more ›› more ›› more ››
This web part is intended for automatic redirecting of SharePoint users from the site pages they are not allowed to visit to other SharePoint site pages. This easy-to-use feature allows SharePoint s... more ››
Virto Workflow Suite enables users to use and manage SharePoint workflows easily. Three web parts are united to work with workflows including monitoring and scheduling them into a single bundle. Cre... more ››
This web part is intended for automatic redirecting of SharePoint users from the site pages they are not allowed to visit to other SharePoint site pages. This easy-to-use feature allows SharePoint s... more ››
Virto Workflow Suite enables users to use and manage SharePoint workflows easily. Three web parts are united to work with workflows including monitoring and scheduling them into a single bundle. Cre... more ››
No-code set of activities for creating custom SharePoint Workflow using SharePoint Workflow Designer.
Virto Workflow Kit includes extended activities for sending e-mails and SMS as well as ... more ››
Virto SharePoint Workflow Activities Kit is a no-code set of SharePoint activities for creating custom Workflow using SharePoint Workflow Designer. Virto Workflow Activities Kit can be used as an ad... more ››
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