

Best solution for Windows users to download Spotify songs, albums and playlists as offline MP3/M4A with ID3 tags retained using any Spotify plan.

Download and convert Spotify songs, albums or playlists

Download Spotify music with either free account or premium subscription

Convert Spotify music to MP3, M4A, WAV or FLAC with 100% quality retained

Convert Spotify Ogg Vorbis format to MP3, M4A, WAV or FLAC for any devices

Preserve ID3 tags and metadata including title, artist, album, artwork, etc.

Drag song, album or playlist from Spotify directly or copy and paste URL

Sort output files into folders by artist, album or artist/album

Work on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and latest Windows 10 (32-bit & 64-bit)

Support standalone Spotify and Microsoft Store Spotify

Extremely easy-to-use interface and flexible output settings

Homepage: https://www.tunemobie.com/products.html
Download: tunemobie-spotify-music-converter-2.6.2.dmgtunemobie-spotify-music-converter-2.9.5.exe
Serial Key for Windows: c35c114b7a873d90ce2e73498fb54648daa0a4c6
Serial Key for MacOS: 2b0313bfb0984482714b15c2f416d3c483676d6b